
Market Report


Occ locally up, in export unchanged but lower in Euro's and Pounds

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Four new electric Linde forklifts


Four new electric Linde forklifts

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'Trashure' mural


At CVB Recycling in Tilburg our new mural is attracting attention!

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New baler in Zaandam


At our company A. de Vries Jbzn. in Zaandam, we recently started installing a new baler.

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Walking floor trailers


At our company CVB Recycling in Ghent, we have purchased a lorry and some walking floor trailers.

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Investment Vernooy Textile Recyclers


New production line at VTR

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Visit ambassador of Indonesia


This week ambassador Mayerfas of the Republic of Indonesia and his delegation visited the Tilburg recycling plant of the CVB Ecologistics group.

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CVB Recycling 100 years!


On November 27th of 2020 it is exactly 100 years ago that our Belgian company CVB Recycling, then under the name Établissements Thomé Freres and later Etathomé, was officially registered as a recycling company for waste paper.

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